Histopathological changes after treatment of Mycoplasma bovis infected Does with Zinc oxide nanoparticles as a new tool.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Immunity Unit, Animal Reproduction Research Institute, Agriculture Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt.

2 Arab Center for Nanotechnology, Cairo, Egypt.

3 Reproductive Diseases Department, Animal Reproduction Research Institute , Agriculture Research Institute, Cairo, Egypt.

4 Pathology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.


Mycoplasma bovis mastitis is highly contagious, results in a severe milk production drop in an affected cow. Mastitis in dairy animals is causing heavy economic losses worldwideby loss of milk production, treatment costs and premature culling of chronically infected animals. Nanotechnology has the potential to enable revolutionarychanges in near future given drugs and vaccines can be more effective in treating and preventing the diseases than current technologies, thus reducing cost.Twenty multiparous rabbit does were used after giving birth. The aim of study is to evaluate efficiency of antibiotic nanoparticle on induced rabbit mastitis infected with M. bovis. Animals were divided into four groups’ five rabbits each: Gp. 1 was a control negative group. Gp. 2 is the control positive which was inoculated intraperitoneally with freshly prepared 106 cfu M. bovis. Gp. 3 was inoculated intraperitoneally with freshly prepared 106 cfu M. bovis for 4 days and then treated with lincospectin antibiotic for 5 days. Gp. 4 was inoculated intraperitoneally by freshly prepared 106 cfu M. bovis for 4 days and then treated with lincospectin + zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticle for 5 days.Animals were sacrificed after 2 weeks of experiment and udder tissue samples were collected. Histopathological findings, Gp.2, rabbits exhibited histopathological changes in different organs in addition to mammary glands causing mastitis. In Gp.3, there were edema, mononuclear cells infiltration and mild fibroblastic proliferation in the interstitial tissue of the mammary gland. Moreover, some acini were almost devoid of milk secretion. Gp.4, there was mild fibroblastic proliferation in the interstitial tissue and little milk secretion in the mammary acini.We concluded that the linco-spectin nanoparticle was effective against M. bovis. Furthermore, nanoparticles tagged with antibiotics have been shown to increase the antibiotic interaction, and facilitate binding of antibiotics to bacteria. ZnO-NPs could be formulated in a suitable treatment of mastitis caused by M. bovis in dairy cattle.
