Preparation of Combined Inactivated Oil Adjuvanted Pasteurella Spp. and Clostridium Spp. Vaccine (Pneumoclost) in Sheep

Document Type : Original Article


1 Aerobic Bacteria Research Department, Veterinary Serum and Vaccine Research Institute (VSVRI), Abbasia, Agricultural Research Center (ARC), 131, Cairo, Egypt

2 Anaerobic bacteria department, Veterinary Serum and Vaccine Research Institute (VSVRI), Abbasia, Agricultural Research Center (ARC), 131, Cairo, Egypt

3 Central Laboratory for Evaluation of Veterinary Biologics (CLEVB), Agricultural Research Center (ARC), 131, Cairo, Egypt


This study, aimed to prepare and evaluate a combined Pasteurella Spp. and Clostridium Spp. vaccine in two groups of one-year-old sheep. The first group was immunized with that vaccine and the second was kept as a negative control. All first group individuals were injected with two doses (1 month apart). This group showed the highest antibody titres after the second dose in the fourth month for M. hemolytica type A and P. multocida type A and the fifth for P. multocida (B6 and D) and P. trehalosi, when it was evaluated by IHA test. A passive mouse protection test was used for P. multocida (A, B6 and D) protection rate evaluation and revealed that 96% protection for A and B6 but 93% for D. SNT was used for Clostridium Spp. evaluation. The first month was the highest titers for C. tetani, C. perfringens, and by agglutination titer for C. chauvoei. The fourth month was the highest titer for C. septicum. The fifth month was the highest titer for C. novyi (B). ELISA test results revealed that the first month was the highest titers for C. chauvoei, C. tetani, and C. perfringens. The fourth month was the highest titer for C. septicum. The fifth month was the highest titer for C. novyi (B). The second group had no significant changes all over the experiment duration. Briefly, this vaccine has protective effects, achieving protection for sheep against illness and elevating the multi-handling and injection stress on the livestock and the workers efforts.


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