Sources and Prevention of Contamination of Raw Chicken Meat in a Poultry Slaughterhouse in Qalyubia, Egypt.

Document Type : Original Article


Food Control Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kafrelsheikh University Egypt.


chicken meat can be contaminated during the slaughtering process. This study show the sources of raw meat cross-contamination and how to prevent it. A total of 40 samples of fresh chicken were examined twice; first time after chilling directly then examined again after deboning, 40 random hand swabs from the workers, and 90 random swabs from meat contact surfaces. All random swabs had taken before starting work. Another 3 hand swabs were taken to examine the effect of hand sanitizer and 24 swabs of contact surfaces to examine the effectiveness of using Chlorine-based sanitizers or peroxyacetic acid (PAA) in the sanitation of food contact surfaces. Chicken samples examined after chilling showed (0%) positive results for Aerobic Plate Counts, Staphylococcus. aureus, and E. coli but the same samples, due to microbial growth during deboning and packaging, showed positive results for APC (37.5%), S. aureus (25%), and E. coli (45%). Hand swabs showed positive results for Coliform (27.5%) and S. aureus (37.5%). Cutting boards’ samples showed (60%) positive results for Coliform and (40%) for S. aureus, also knife samples showed (70%) positive results for Coliform and (75%) for S. aureus. Tables samples showed (25%) positive results for both of Coliform and S. aureus. Crates swabs showed (100%) positive results for Coliform, (90%) for and S. aureus. Using of Chlorine-based sanitizers or peroxyacetic acid (PAA) in the sanitation of meat contact surfaces after cleaning. Therefore, it is essential to adhere to strict hygiene protocols for both workers and equipment throughout the operation.


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