"Artificial Intelligence in Veterinary Care: A Review of Applications for Animal Health

Document Type : Review Artical


1 University of Mosul / College of Veterinary Medicine University of Mosul / College of Veterinary Medicine

2 Pests & Plant Protection Department, Agricultural and Biological Research Institute, National Research Centre

3 Department of internal and preventive medicine ,college of veterinary medicine,University of Mosul


In recent years, the application of artificial intelligence (AI) has significantly transformed various industries, including healthcare. Specifically, AI has played a crucial role in enhancing clinical examination, diagnosis, and treatment not only for humans but also for animals. The integration of AI in veterinary medicine has opened doors to accurate and efficient care, benefiting both animals and their owners. This essay will delve into how AI has revolutionized veterinary medicine (Vet Med), highlighting its impact on clinical examinations, diagnosis, and treatment of animals. AI-powered sensors and devices can monitor the vital signs and behaviors of animals in real-time, allowing for early detection of potential health issues. Wearable devices equipped with AI algorithms can track temperature, heart devaluation, and diagnosis. In conclusion, AI will facilitate collaboration between practicing veterinarians, commercial AI platform developers and veterinary radiology researchers to optimize the effectiveness and clinical utility of AI in veterinary radiology and ensure the best possible patient care at all times.


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