Impact of Extruded Feed Supplements on The Productivity of Lactation Cows

Document Type : Original Article


1 Federal State-owned Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Kuzbass State Agricultural Academy», Faculty of Engineering, Department of Agricultural Engineering

2 Federal State-owned Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Kuzbass State Agricultural Academy», zootechnical faculty, Department of Animal Science

3 Federal State-owned Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Kuzbass State Agricultural Academy», faculty of management and agribusiness, department of management and agribusiness

4 Federal State-owned Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Kuzbass State Agricultural Academy», Agrobiotechnology Faculty, Department of Agronomy, Breeding and Seed Production


The production of new fortified feed supplements and concentrates, balanced by the organic nutrients content, takes one of the leading positions in agriculture manufacture. Food production waste has recently been one of the forms of an accessible source of biologically active substances (oilcake, oil meal, molasses, treacle, etc.). Proper processing of these raw products allows you to use it in obtaining highly nutritious feed supplements with a high content of protein, minerals, vitamins, and sugars. Food waste does not harm the animal’s body; it was found; they have easily processed and high biological value. This work is presents the formulation of a new extruded feed supplement, using it in the main ration of lactation cows increases the productivity of the animal by 10-12%. The mass protein fraction in the obtained milk was in 9-11% higher comparative to milk from cows without receiving an additional feed supplement in their rations. It is proved that the developed extruded feed supplement does not adversely affect the body of lactation cows, which is confirmed by a research of the morphological blood composition.A supplementation dairy cow with 3 kg per cow daily for 15 days of our studded concentrated mixture is recommended.


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