Analysis of Genetic and Non-genetic Factors Affecting Semen Traits in Baldi Black and New Zealand White Rabbits

Document Type : Original Article


Animal Production Research Institute (APRI), Dokki, Giza 12651, Egypt.


Limited data exists on the genetics of semen traits in Egyptian local buck breeds compared to standard rabbit breeds. Genetic analysis was conducted on 520 ejaculates from 84 bucks of two breeds, Black Baldi and New Zealand White Rabbits, aged 6 months. The study aimed to assess heritability, common litter effects, spearman rank, phenotypic correlations between traits, and investigate non-genetic factors' influence. Most heritability for semen traits ranged from moderate (0.17 to 0.32), with the exception of sperm abnormality (Abno) and dead spermatozoa (dead). Moderate and high permanent environmental impacts ranged from 0.24 to 0.73. Spearman rank correlation between semen parameters was found to be positive, highly significant, and strong for whole ejaculate volume (WV) and net ejaculate volume (NV); WV and gel; WV and sperm concentration/ejaculate (Con/ej); NV and gel; and Con/ej (82 to 98). Phenotypic correlations were notably high and significantly strong between NV & WV, gel & WV, gel & NV, Con/ej & WV, Con/ej & NV, and Con/ej & sperm concentration (Con) (0.61 to 0.97). NZW bucks excel in WV, NV, gel, progressive sperm motility (PM), mass sperm motility (MM), Con, Con/ej, dead, and Libido score (Lib). Except for the pH value, all assessed characteristics showed notable variances between weeks. The birth parity significantly affected most analyzed semen traits. In autumn, the lowest mortality value was observed, while the highest values were recorded for WV, NV, gel, MM, Con, Con/ej, Liv, and Lib. Summer showed the lowest values for most semen characteristics.


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Articles in Press, Corrected Proof
Available Online from 25 September 2024
  • Receive Date: 30 January 2024
  • Revise Date: 11 August 2024
  • Accept Date: 13 August 2024