Molecular Diagnosis and Phylogenetic Tree of Histomonas Meleagridis in Iraq

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Microbiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Tikrit University, Iraq.


The current study was aimed to diagnosis of Histomonas meleagridis by  conventional polymerase chain reaction  targeting the small sub unite ribosomal RNA gene 18S rRNA  in cecal and liver samples . From September 2023 to the mid-January 2024, twenty five samples of naturally infected turkeys were collected from different areas of Hawija city in Kirkuk Province and Tikrit city and its suburbs in Saladin Province, Iraq. Cecal and liver samples were examined macroscopically and microscopically by direct smears using giemsa stain then, A conventional PCR test was used to confirm the diagnosis  .  PCR results demonstrated that 17 samples 68% from 25 turkeys samples  was positive for parasite after gel electrophoresis and appearance of the DNA band with a size 209bp. The PCR product with the HISS primers was sent to Macrogen, Korea to know the genetic sequence of the target gene. The results demonstrated that only two out of 10 samples belonging to H. meleagridis . The results  recorded in National Center for Biotechnology Information NCBI gene bank and for the first time in Iraq under accession No. PP669691 and PP669692 . we concluded that 18S rRNA gene proved to be highly effective in detecting the parasite, and genetic sequencing analysis identified the closest global isolates in France, Austria, and Poland.


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