Induction of Irreversible Liver Fibrosis by Laparoscopic Closure of Common Bile Duct in Dogs

Document Type : Original Article


1 department of surgery and obstetric, collage of veterinary, Tikrit university

2 Department of surgery and theriogenology, University of Mosul , College of veterinary machine

3 Department of Physiology, Pharmacology & Biochemistry, University of Mosul, Mosul, Iraq


This study was aimed to assess the laparoscopic ligation of common bile duct using a titanium clip in eighteen healthy adult domestic dogs from both sexes, the age ranged from (24±6) months and weight ranged from (20±5) kg. After ligation of common bile duct, the animals were left for 21 days. All animals were subjected to evaluated progression of hepatic fibrosis by clinical, ultrasonography, radiography and laboratory examination. Clinical results such as severe abdominal pain, anorexia, emaciation, jaundice and paleness mucus membrane were observed. Ultrasonographical examination of the liver revealed dilatation of the gallbladder and common bile duct as well as an increased in thickness and echogenicity of liver texture, while the biochemical parameters at the 21 days of closure the common bile duct revealed significant elevation in liver serum enzymes and  total, direct and indirect bilirubin at p≤0.05. In conclusion, the laparoscopic technique of inducing incurable liver fibrosis in dogs by surgical closure of the common bile duct with titanium clips is an unconventional, effective, less complication and straightforward technique to induce fibrosis


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