A Novel Latex Agglutination Diagnostic Technique for Rapid Detection of Rift Valley Fever Virus Antibodies

Document Type : Original Article


veterinary serum and vaccine research institute


Rift Valley fever (RVF) is a zoonotic illness that poses a substantial public health risk in certain regions of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. It affects both humans and ruminants. Timely and precise identification of viruses during outbreaks is essential for implementing successful management methods. This study focused on the development and assessment of a new diagnostic method that utilizes latex agglutination to detect antibodies against the whole Rift Valley fever (RVF) virus. The results have shown a high level of diagnostic accuracy, with a rate of 91.2%. The test demonstrates a sensitivity of 92.59% in identifying positive serum samples, as well as a flawless specificity rate of 100%. This approach, which is simple, fast, and inexpensive, has significant potential for screening animals for RVF on a wide scale. The discovery outlined in this study could have substantial ramifications for managing the dissemination of RVF and reducing its effects on the health of animals and humans.


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