Impact of Dry, Soaking, or Germinated Fenugreek Seeds Addition on the Production and Reproductive Performance of Friesian Heifers

Document Type : Original Article


Animal Production Research Institute (APRI), Agricultural Research Center (ARC), Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt


Twenty Friesian heifers with average live body weight of 216 kg and aged 12 months were divided into four similar groups according to their live body weight and age. All heifers were fed the basal ration. Control group was received basal ration without any supplementation (R1), while, groups 2, 3 and 4 were fed the basal ration and supplemented with 50 g fenugreek seeds (FRS)/head/day used as dry (R2), soaked (R3) or germination (R4), respectively. Results showed that R4 significantly higher in all nutrients digestibility and feeding values followed by R3 then R2, whereas R1 had lowest values. The FRS supplements led to increase concentrations of blood globulin, urea and ALT whereas decreased concentration of cholesterol in R4 than in R1. The FRS supplement in R4 led to significant increase in ammonia-N, TVFA’s and pH value, but R1 had lowest values. Growth performance in R3 showed significantly the highest final live body weight, average daily gain and the least amounts of DM, TDN and DCP required per kg live body weight gain followed by R4 then R2, whereas R1 had the poorest values. Feed cost per kg gain was decreased significantly with FRS additives compared with control R1. The price of weight gain, net revenue and economic efficiency were increased significantly with FRS than in control, which tested ration R3 had the higher values. Ration R4 showed significantly the shorter ages at first service and conceive service and parturition followed by R3 and R2, whereas R1 had the poorest ones. 


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