Antioxidative and Antiapoptotic Effect of Sodium Butyrate and Betaine on Broilers Liver Influenced by Dexamethasone

Document Type : Original Article


1 department of physiology/college of veterinary medicine/ University of Mosul/ Iraq

2 Department of physiology/college of veterinary medicine/ University of Mosul


This study was intended to maximize-feed by-products’ (betaine and sodium butyrate) benefits on an ecophysiologicalsafe way against stressful conditions induced by dexamethasone.96 broilers were used and randomly separated into fourtreatmentsemployed24 broilers with 3replications and two age groups of 21 d (1st period) and 42 days (2nd period). G1 was the controlled study,  where as DEX was injected at three-day intervals in G2 (Dosage:1mg/kg B.W S/C) the dosage was evaluated following preliminary study, then G3 was injected with Dexamethasone (DEX) at three-day intervals and was given sodium butyrate (Dosage:1.2 g/kg feed), lastly G4 was given DEX injections every three days and was given betaine (Dosage: 2 g/kg feed). The results showed DEX is a nonspecific stress that generates considerable increases in caspase-3, and ALTin the liver tissue and reflected in the circulation, respectively, while SB and B have alleviated a significant feature of the stress ascribed to DEX. On the other hand, AST was extremely statically in the DEX group at 1st period of bird age, although both antiapoptotic agents in G3 and G4 produced cytoprotective impacts to the liver, but in 2nd periods of broiler age, all treated groups significantly differed from the compassion of control.Significantly diminish in Glutathione (GSH) and stress index with raising MAD value in the liver tissue in G2, however G3, and G4 have a fortification effect against liver damage. is concluded that SB and B act to suppress the apoptotic effect influenced by DEX.


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