Histological Investigation of Pneumonia in Domestic Ducks (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus) in Basrah Province, Iraq

Document Type : Original Article


1 Basic science Dept., College of Dentistry, Uni. of Basrah, Iraq

2 Dept. of Pathology, college of veterinary medicine, uni. of Basra, Iraq

3 Dept. of Anatomy and histology, College of vet. medicine, University of Basrah, Iraq.


The current study was performed to the histological features of pneumonia in domestic ducks in Basra province of Iraq. The diseased ducks were diagnosed based on clinical manifestations, gross and microscopical lesions as well to histochemical technique. The necropsy findings were characterized by presence white to yellowish bilateral solid uniformed nodules in the parietal surface of the right and left lungs as well to an obvious lesion of red to gray hepatization extend bilaterally in the both lung; however, additionally, both lungs showed bilateral severe congestion mostly in the middle to lower parts with scattered nodules. The microscopic picture indicate a severe interstitial hemorrhage, as well to infiltration of inflammatory cells mainly in the bronchi and interstitial pulmonary tissues revealing to bronchopneumonia; in addition to severe fibrinous exudate that contains a fibrin associated with inflammatory cells infiltration, as well to peri-bronchial inflammatory cells infiltration. The histochemical results showed formation of thick fibrous connective tissue infiltrated in pulmonary interstitial parenchyma and in peri bronchial tissue revealed to diffuse interstitial pulmonary as well to severe interstitial infiltration of mucoid like substances in the pulmonary parenchyma and in the peri-bronchial tissue. It has been concluded that the typical histological features of pneumonia of domestic ducks characterized by severe stages of pulmonary congestion, red and gray hepatization that may overlapped in the complicated cases.


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